So what’s going on here at An Inviting Space?

Hello! I’m Sarah Sadie and I’m relatively new to Substack but I’ve been doing this kind of work—writing, inviting and facilitating growth and connection—for a long time.

As a subscriber, you’ll receive brief meditational writing directly to your inbox daily. Each post combines personal reflection with gentle space holding for us to unfold and peer into what wants to come next for us. It’s my gentle invitation to readers to slow down, pause and open to possibility even amid the chaos and turmoil of daily life in the twenty-first century. I know it’s easy to give in to fear, anxiety and despair…but other choices are possible.

found another way to say it, writing to me recently (and shared here with permission): “Thank you for your daily column. It's become a part of my morning routine, along with making coffee and making art. Those three words you use to open your column each day are a balm to my often unsteady soul. I feel like I can exhale after reading them each day.”

Paid subscribers get an additional glimpse behind the scenes, quotes, photos, invitations (a very micro call to action or at least attention), and access to the archives, aka anything more than a month old.

an invitation, without pressure

Daily praxis direct to your inbox, opportunity for meditation, reflection and connection for the price of a large cinnamochafrappawhosit with sprinkles and whip.


Each post invites connection and re-connection—to self, to each other, and to the more-than-human wild green world we live in. We also make space for possibility and wonder, curiosity and creativity. Where we are, as we are.

It’s a little magical. Some days, more than a little. I’m honored to be here with you, holding this Space. It feels like (r)evolution in the gentlest form.

my story

I’m at midlife and have come through some tumultuous times, personally—divorce, kids growing up, new partners, new house, new community, new job—in other words, I’m probably a lot like you, one way or another. Dealing with life as it happens. Trying to get through the days and make sense out of all of it. I’ve been a poet, a community leader, a creativity coach and facilitator. I’m still all those things. And now I get to explore how it feels to be doing this work in the Substack community, slowing stretching into my value and worth, telling new stories about myself and finding what feels true.

I hope you’ll join me.

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possibility and wonder are our birthright. this is a space to remember that, and find out what it might mean now. this is a space for pause, for new perspectives, & connection to ourselves, each other, and the more-than-human world we're all a part of.


I'm a writer and poet who has an enduring interest in wellness, creativity and helping us imagine into Next on individual and community levels. I live in a small town in Wisconsin on a continental divide and grow tomatoes in five gallon buckets.