My heart hurts a little at this and the dream. I did find the few days I spent there so very positive. More importantly, though, I'm glad that you have claimed this space, that room and that beautiful table for yourself and your writing, wherever that leads you.

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I appreciate your response and I took a day to sit with it. Because now, at this point iin my life, I can say: I think it's okay if our hearts hurt a little. I think "sad" is okay. We're taught from such a young age that sadness is bad, that we need to find happiness again, wipe our tears away...whose fragility does that protect? (The grownups. Always the fragile grownups.) Yes, I'm a little sad too, at the loss of one dream in favor of another. And that is part of the mixy flavor of my days as I know it is for so many of us. Sadness can grow into tenderness, into rich soil that will support something Next. That's what I'm hopeful for this season. That tenderness and reconciliation with what Is, in order to find what might be maybe gonna come. This space is growing and stirring and I'm grateful you're here to help me, as we have always done, listen for what wants to come into being.

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