Your messages are soothing to ragged thoughts.. Here is list I compiled in five minutes.



inner smile

release of breath

relaxation of shoulders

settling in chair like part of it

envy of serenity to write truth

love, goodwill, hope for future


tingling in ears

try and reach mind’s messages

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a great list! We so often just mindlessly scroll and click into stuff. Taking a moment to become aware and intentional as we begin to read something feels like a different way to engage. Thanks for sharing your list. <3

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This morning I brought, I finally brought, an awareness of the pile of questions and concerns that has me at a full stop right now. Creatively, that is. I had an a-ha moment when I read: “All my life I’ve been trying to find my way—haven’t you?”

Well, yes. Of course, isn’t everyone?

Sometimes, like now, the questions in my life pile one on top of the other in haphazard fashion until they create such a great pile that I am left spinning my wheels, brooding, ruminating, and there is no time or space for writing, at least about anything other than the questions. The current pile of questions is blocking any chance of my creative spirit flowing.

My pile of questions ranges broadly and some cannot be answered. Maybe ever. But today, I put those unanswerables aside and hold concern for the questions that might have answers, even when those answers are not what I want to hear or believe. I need to answer the answer-ables so I can burst the pile blocking forward motion and get on with work—so I can edit my many words, navigate life, plan my year, decide whether to renew a passport or a lease.

And that is the finding of my way that I need to do today.

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Isn't it interesting how the sentences that trigger a "yes of course" response are ALSO the sentences that can bring an a-ha moment when we read them spelled out? Thanks for sharing that seeming paradox.

It sounds like you are dealing with some questions that maybe have not-so-awesome answers for you right now. Or maybe it's just a question of getting through the piles. There is a power in answering the answer-ables and moving forward. Good luck to you. If this Inviting Space can offer any sort of support or help in all of this I'm grateful. <3

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