Sitemap - 2024 - An Inviting Space

Tending the secret gardens

Coming back to voice

Memory lane (a once upon a time story)

All the colors of a cloud

Mission Possible Monday: Gratitude for Perfect Movies and More

Doodles and daydreams

It's okay if we're not okay

You have permission not to read this

The invitation to collaborate

Today is not the same river

Rhubarb, a blender, and an existential question or two for garnish

I left nothing on the table, now here I am

Mission Possible Monday: Here Comes the Rain Again

A vocabulary is an atmosphere we breathe

Cutting the grass with scissors

A(nother) letter to you, dear reader

Writing myself back to fullness

Whatever we're shaping here, you get to help

Comings and goings, once again

The cost

Mission Possible Monday: connecting to the green ancestors

Towards the life not yet lived

How many lives we have lived

The exhale at week's end

On writing

Your opportunity to vote and help shape an emerging podcast (paid subscribers)

Beyond the scramble

The small ideas the narrow moments

Mission Possible Monday: taking our questions for a walk

Flowering and other magical ideas

Almost exactly the words for today

Lightly lightly on a Friday

Ready or not and we almost never are

An invitation to collaborate (paid subscribers only)...

The shapes that are possible

Try a little tenderness

Mission Possible Monday: the shape of a leaf

Let's talk about paywalls

When a small ask feels big and is

Amid the eggs and coffee and not-knowings of the day

Full circle(s)

Listening for change, listening to change

A story about listening

Mission Possible Monday: There's a certain slant...

The elevator pitch, with itch

A surprise visit from an old friend

Celebrations and dragonflies

What if we stay with the questions?

Hitting the wrong note. Again.

Fingerprints and stories

Mission Possible: Monday

What's the difference between Mothers Day and Mother's Day?

Deeper into failure


It's Day 100 and apples will happen

Part of doing something

The most terrifying thing

Turning left onto Easy Street

Let the good times roll

Creativity is embodied whether we like it or not

On Pause

Regrounding: an exercise for May

The experiment of extravagant love

I'm over here talking to the mint patch

Waking up to the gray mazes

Lessons from Dragonfly

Sometimes radical is pretty slow

The simple (not so simple) act of showing up

This is the big adventure

Dapple, shift, and a little (r)evolution for your morning

Tuesday is for courage

As far as I can

Inviting the wind to play


The tree we plant today

When rest is a requirement

Values, stories, the big gusty things

Light, shadow, reflections

The ordinary adventures of a weekend


Beauty is the strangest of all

Simple gifts

The practice of listening

Crossing the divides

There's only us


Maybe this could be the treasure

Embracing imperfection, again

Still dancing

Spoonfuls of sugar with my philosophies

Bits and pieces, bits and peaces

This is what microshift can feel like

Daring a step on the Fool's day

This one can be untitled

How does your wiggle waggle

We're all on a treasure hunt if we want to be

Let's talk about those "soft skills"

The gift and practice of beauty

You can't ace this and neither can I

As transparent as I can be

Things get lost

Moving from wrestle to rest

Here there be dragons

Our biggest taboo

What if I'm rich and you are too

Nothing's ordinary after all

Shifting paradigms

Three little words

What we bring

Trust fall

Wisconsin meditation

Tending the nest


A question of intention

Pressing pause to spring forward

On Windows

Tuning and turning to beauty

Gratitudes In the Moment

"Nothing's small!"

learning to listen

Letting It Be Enough

The Importance of Play

Spring winds

Remembering My Why

The Need for New Stories

Day Twenty-Eight

Day Twenty-Seven

Day Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Five

Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty

Day Nineteen

Day Eighteen

Day Seventeen

Day Sixteen

Day Fifteen

Day Fourteen

Day Thirteen

Day Twelve

Day Eleven

Day Ten

Day Nine

Day Eight

Day Seven

Day Six

Day Five

Join my chat

Day Four

Day Three

Day Two

Day One

Coming soon...

Coming soon